Damex Business

Nieves Gallego

Compliance Associate

Nieves Gallego completed her law studies in Granada before relocating to Madrid to pursue a Master’s Degree specializing in banking and financial institutions. Shortly thereafter, she joined a reputable law firm, honing her skills and eventually qualifying as a banking lawyer—a role she held for two years. Nieves then transitioned into the banking industry, serving for another two years as a compliance analyst at a prominent Spanish bank.

Over the years, Nieves has cultivated a particular interest in both traditional banking and emerging fields like cryptocurrencies. With a strong foundation in legal and compliance aspects of the financial sector, she is keen to continue expanding her knowledge and expertise in these dynamic industries.

Sam Buxton
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Thomas Johnson
Co-Founder & Operations Director
Jeremy King
Co-Founder & Chief Investment Officer
Scott McKim
Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer
Philip Vasquez
Co-Founder & Chief Legal Officer
Miguel Ortega
Chief Marketing Officer
Caroline Cerisola
Managing Director Damex Retail
Carol Molina
Chief Executive Officer Americas
Chief Business Development Officer
Krisanne Riddell
Head of Strategic Finance and Investments
Jason Geary
Head of Business Development
Jezen Burton
Trader / Research Analyst
Romanas Ramanauskas
Chief Operating Officer & Money Laundering Reporting Officer in Damex.io UAB