Damex Business

Jere Vucica


Jere developed an interest in financial markets early on as he chose to study Economics at University while being awarded a full athletic scholarship.

After receiving his Bachelors and Master’s degrees he started a professional basketball career while building a personal crypto portfolio and trading account.

As his crypto earnings began to outweigh the pro basketball contracts he decided to switch careers to become a full time trader with Damex as the latest addition to the OTC trading team.

Sam Buxton
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Thomas Johnson
Co-Founder & Operations Director
Jeremy King
Co-Founder & Chief Investment Officer
Scott McKim
Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer
Philip Vasquez
Co-Founder & Chief Legal Officer
Miguel Ortega
Chief Marketing Officer
Caroline Cerisola
Managing Director Damex Retail
Carol Molina
Chief Executive Officer Americas
Chief Business Development Officer
Krisanne Riddell
Head of Strategic Finance and Investments
Jason Geary
Head of Business Development
Jezen Burton
Trader / Research Analyst
Romanas Ramanauskas
Chief Operating Officer & Money Laundering Reporting Officer in Damex.io UAB